ETI Channeled Articles


Allen Michael, Galactic Messenger

On March 25, 2010, after an extraordinary lifetime of 93 years, the Galactic Messenger, Allen Michael, left the planet. As a messenger of Creation, his life was dedicated to serving humanity thru his channeled writings.
We have posted two channeled writings about Allen Michael here,
one by Del Rainer and one by Joseph Antaree.

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Everlasting Gospel

CONTACT WITH GALACTICA: Communications from the God-Force of Extra-Territorial Intelligence - the Universal Mind and Its Galactic Space Beings. A controlled letdown of human karma leading to World Transformation ...
Dear friends, what follows is the beginning to the latest book of the Everlasting Gospel channelings, brought to heal the world through Allen Michael, the Comforter Spirit of Truth ...
And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the ...

Allen Michael

CONTACT WITH GALACTICA: Communications from the God-Force of Extra-Territorial Intelligence - the Universal Mind and Its Galactic Space Beings. A controlled letdown of human karma leading to World Transformation ...
Humanity was just beginning to reach the moon when the One World Family Commune was launched by Allen Michael and a few stalwart souls in 1967 as a pilot ...
My Etheric Ascension "In 1947, when this body was 31 going on 32, a very wonderful experience came to me. While working as a pictorial painter in a Long ...
A Lifetime Serving Humanity Allen Michael, an incarnate spiritual master from Galactica, is a God-conscious soul dedicated to serving humanity. He left his body March 25th, 2010 at age ...
Message At Giant Rock "It was 1954 at Giant Rock in the Southern California desert that I had my first physical contact with Extraterrestrial Space Beings. Several times before, ...
Allen Michael's Early Years The body inhabited by Allen Michael was born Allen Noonan, Nov. 21, 1916, in Britt, Iowa. A precocious child, he excelled in art and running, ...

World Transformation

The Time Is Now We exist in an eternal and absolute Universe that has already established Its perfect procedure in all natural things. At this juncture in the history ...
Spirit God has given humanity Its utopian vision for a sharing world in the New Covenant/World Bill of Rights, channeled by Allen Michael in 1947, fulfilling the prophecy of ...
The Idea Whose Time Has Come This, at last, is the one plan that the people of the world can unite behind -- one that improves the life of ...
The 30/30 Plan This is our 30-day rotational plan, where we serve according to the schedule adopted by our own communal democratic organizations. Everyone participates freely in our new ...
Usury Money It is interesting to note that, in government meetings and in the news media, the subject of usury money and profits has not, as yet, been addressed ...
Government of, by and for the People We will get organized to bring a real New World Government of sharing, health, prosperity and happiness for everyone! This government will be ...
Here are spiritual truths that can establish a perfectly free society on one high standard of living for all people — without money used as capital wealth — when ...
The great Idea whose time has come and cannot be stopped is the universal idea that we are all one people on one planet in one eternal Universe. To ...

One World Family Commune

Serving All People - Love Is Service Done Lately, we have been talking a lot about “chopping wood and carrying water,” ie service on the material plane, and what ...
Humanity was just beginning to reach the moon when the One World Family Commune was launched by Allen Michael and a few stalwart souls in 1967 as a pilot ...
By Del Rainer It has been over 40 years since a group of us dropped out of the old world of duality, of buying and selling for personal gain, ...
Natural Foods and the Health of a Planet Allen Michael opened the Here and Now restaurant on Scott and Haight St. in San Francisco in 1967. The restaurant was ...
By Joseph Antaree Open Complete Article in New Browser Window What follows is an account of my life (so far) in the One World Family Commune. My story relates ...
The One World Family Commune, founded by Allen Michael, is a pilot model demonstration of how to live in a new world communal consciousness of sharing on all levels: ...
The following channeling by Allen Michael is how our commune operated back in the 70s. The combination of workable ideas which the One World Family Commune - OWFC - ...

Universal Mind

The Universal Mind Channeled By Joseph Antaree Some people imagine "God" to be some ephemeral spirit or mythological being that is outside of themselves. In truth, God-the-Universe IS Cosmic ...
Channelings of the Everlasting Gospel by Allen Michael | Book 1: From the Universe, to The Youth of the World  In scientific terms, we could say that if earth ...
In Galactic society we have a real Quantum Computer system - the Universal Mind in Its full Omnipresent Awareness operating directly in the technology. A galactic spaceship is integrated ...

Galactic Contact

At just the right moment, the New Jerusalem Mothership comes into orbit about the planet as it tells in Revelation 21:1-5, keying off the cosmic initiation of the souls ...
Welcome to Eternity! All galaxies, solar systems and planets are inhabited by souls of our Universal Family, and we are all one with the Omnipresent Spirit known as God ...
The Universe is ALL one vast civilization of eternal souls. IT IS ALL LIFE, omnipresent in the one timeless moment of eternity, a civilization of eternal beings who are ...
A Special Healing Project "Words go forth to fulfill the things for which they are sent and do not return to us void." This is the Universe's Law of ...
Solar Upheaval A great revelation given in the Everlasting Gospel is that a catastrophe happened long ago in this solar system . . . which has been the cause ...
Redeeming Entities Naturally, the Universe was not indifferent to what happened here in Plentoria solar system. It had done everything in Its power to get the entities straightened out ...
During the 400,000 year Galactic period, twelve Pyramid Temple Communities were created around the planet in the warm balmy climates, each initially colonized with about a hundred thousand male ...
A New Beginning At the end of the Eden Period, Galactic Beings removed all the technology and most of the structures in the Pyramid Temple Cities themselves. A new ...
Imagine living in a perfect social environment, everyone and everything in balance and harmony, all your needs provided and unlimited creative possibilities at your fingertips. For over 400,000 years ...

GMN Contributors

Del, Gloria, Dian, Alphonse at a Rally This post is from Gloria Celestial, about her communal experiences in 1981 when the commune was located in Stockton, CA. It's 3 ...
In 2009 Chris Burns and Llyn Peabody began a sharing garden project in Alpine, Oregon. The next year they expanded to a 2nd garden project in Monroe. They're now ...
Creations of Beldon Gelff From our inception, the One World Family Commune has been a do-it-ourself experience. So too in the realm of practical geometry, where Beldon Gelff has ...