Allen Michael, One World Family Commune

The One World Family Commune

Humanity was just beginning to reach the moon when the One World Family Commune was launched by Allen Michael and a few stalwart souls in 1967 as a pilot model demonstration of how to live in a new world communal consciousness of sharing on all levels: socially, economically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.

Those of us who came together in San Francisco as the One World Family Commune in 1967, recognized Allen Michael to be a master spiritual adept of a caliber beyond any we, in our lifetimes, had encountered.

We were inspired by the vision of a world of giving and receiving, sharing and forgiving, and the realization that flying saucers and space beings are as real as we are and are here to assist us in this planetary awakening. We knew we’d found the real thing and were confident the rest of the world would soon recognize what to us was the obvious truth being channeled thru Allen Michael.

The One World Family Commune

These days we are spread out — but continue to practice and share the vision of a growing One World Family Commune through publications, TV, film and radio media… and our latest world-wide outreach efforts here on the web with our awesome new multimedia library, gallery and communication system.

People all over the planet can now readily access and download our ever-expanding digital library of ETI channelings in all forms — in particular the books of the Everlasting Gospel, which Allen Michael has so lovingly channeled to bless the world — as well as music, audio channelings, photo-slide galleries and videos.

And, the best part is, it’s all free of charge and free for the sharing! Our united destiny is coming into being now: and it is to live and prosper in a world of absolute freedom, security and abundance for all people.

So, read on good people. The truth is HERE for you to discover for yourself, as we enter the period of great transformation spoken of since the dawn of recorded civilization… and that time is now!

Are you ready to play? We love you all and want to hear from you, so you can link in to this virtual commune, a communication school of experience in the University of the Universe! •

Read Del Rainer’s brief history of her life in the commune: “My Life In The One World Family Commune”

Read Joseph Antaree’s story of his life in the commune: “Share The World”

American Commune
Video Documentary by Allen David


In the One World Family Commune, in our pilot model community and Uni-government, we have taken the present environment and molded it to our spiritual consciousness, to be right-on with the omnipresent Universal Mind broadcasting to us via the energies of the electromagnetic field about us.

To mortal eyes our houses look just like other houses, our natural food restaurant looks just like other restaurants, and many people visiting our commune would go away saying: “Well, what’s so different about that? They buy and sell like anyone else. They eat, sleep, shower, dress, etc., like anyone does.” Those who see only with mortal eyes cannot tune in to the vibrations thru which we do what we do. How did we get tuned in to the high PSI synthesis energies of time-light force, the high energies that protect us from being confused in the earth’s negated aura? It is all done for us, by our first knowing the truth, and then by our setting up a natural discipline to live by the truth.

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