GMN Contributors

Monroe’s Sharing Garden

In 2009 Chris Burns and Llyn Peabody began a sharing garden project in Alpine, Oregon. The next year they expanded to a 2nd garden project in Monroe. They’re now in Monroe full time. Their words from their website follow . . .

The Giving is Growing – Peak Moment Video

Here’s a beautiful video about the Sharing Gardens, just released by our friends at Peak Moment TV. Filmed in July 2013 with the garden’s bounty as backdrop, we explore the philosophy that is at the root of the gardens: simple-living, gratitude and giving without accounting. Enjoy! You can also go to our website to view the video and much more.

A sample from the video: “We’re enjoying the abundance and the feeling of richness and generosity along with everybody else,” say Sharing Gardens coordinators Chris Burns and Llyn Peabody. During this five-year experiment in the giving economy, the garden has tripled in size. Sharegivers (volunteers) of all ages work in the gardens. They share the bounteous harvest with food bank recipients, churches, gleaners and others in their community. No money is exchanged. Materials and labor, and even use of the property, are freely given and showing up in abundance. Llyn and Chris are now living rent-free in a house owned by a volunteer. Observing that “giving keeps coming around full circle,” they offer advice for stepping into the giving economy in our lives today, starting small and simply.

Our deepest gratitude goes out to all of you who have supported this project in any way, from distant well-wishers to those of you locals, rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands in the dirt side-by side! All of us together have made this expression of ‘sharing’ possible. Below is a picture from our huge 2013 beet harvest.

These inspired writings came through during the winter of 1991 and address many of the issues we are now facing in the world. We welcome your feedback and comments. Feel free to forward this document to your friends. Holding All Things Common
Much love, Chris and Llyn