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Our purpose is communicating the channelings of The Everlasting Gospel to the world people through a series of books, articles, TV broadcasts, video and audio programs — all of which are delivered through this Galactic Messenger Network.

This is “God’s spirit being poured out upon all flesh” (Joel 2:28), which brings the energies of humanity and the whole planet through a cosmic initiation into the Kingdom of God. This means a spiritual rebirth for all the souls here in bodies, including complete social-economic transformation.

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The Everlasting Gospel


Channeled Thru Allen Michael – Galactic Messenger Allen Michael is a direct channel of the Universal Mind since he experienced a cosmic initiation in 1947. The experience that transformed Allen Noonan, as he was then known, took place in Long Beach, California, where he was a pictorial sign painter.

From that point onward he remained in direct telepathic contact with the Universal Mind of ETI – Extra Territorial Intelligence – channeling the energies of the Spirit of Truth through the spoken and written word, as well as in deeds done that will bring this world up to and through our planetary cosmic initiation into the long awaited Kingdom of God.

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